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Featured in the Think and Grow Rich Movie/Documentary

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich: Moms Rising is a movie/documentary produced by award winning producers Andrew Graham and Scott Cervine. Premieres Spring 2023!

I was first introduced to the book, 'Think and Grow Rich', in 2007, just after my sister Jessie passed away. I was a low point in my life, experiencing the passing of my nephew earlier in the year, and then the tragedy of losing my sister to cancer. it was during my healing process that a friend gave me this LIFE-CHANGING, epic book!


Think and Grow Rich (TAGR) is a book that has sold more than 200 MILLION copies world-wide since its author, Napolean Hill, published it in 1937. Famed celebrities and gurus such as Anthony Hopkins, Jim Carey, Oprah, Biance, Tony Robbins, Conner McGregor, Eminem, Kanye West and MANY more have given this book, and the principles it teaches, credit for their success. Technology giants and some of the people who have taken our world to new heights have also given credit to the following the principles of TAGR, being their ticket to success; Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, President Rosevelt, Dale Carnegie, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and MANY more. The list is infinite... I think you get the picture. It's a VERY powerful book!


This book was life-changing for me. As a single mom for many years, I understood the amount of energy it took to wear the many hats that I was wearing. My to-do list was a long one. I followed the principles outlined by the TAGR author, and my life changed, one day, one manifestation at a time. Make no mistake, life changed because I took ACTION, and I continually aligned myself with the life I envisioned!


In October of 2021, I was looking for the online, audio version of Think and Grow Rich, when I stumbled upon the movie casting application of, 'Think and Grow Rich: Moms Rising'. I filled out the application, and with a positive intention, hit the SUBMIT button. I visualized being in the movie, being an interviewee in this EPIC documentary film. BUT, far more than visualizing being in the film, I set my intention to make an IMPACT on people's lives!


Months passed... and I waited... and I never gave up KNOWING I would be chosen as 1 of the 10 women being interviewed. Long story short, I received an email April 1st, 2022. "After reviewing literally THOUSANDS of applications, we would like to set up a Zoom call interview with you." A week or so later, I told my story of struggle, grief, and TRIUMPH to the casting agent, TerDawn Debow. A few days later, I received a call from the film's producer, Scott Cervine!

I started filming the documentary, my story, at the beginning of August (first video). In mid August, I was invited back to Hollywood to be part of a narrative scene (second video). It is one of the more difficult steps I've had to take, reliving my story of adversity in front of a camera/film crew. It was worth every moment, knowing that the film has the potential to positively impact the lives of others!


In the future, I will be updating this page with videos, clips, pictures, and other information about this film. Please make sure to SUBSCRIBE to my eNewsletter, so you don't miss any updates. I will be sending a discount code and more information, so you can watch this film as soon as it premieres!


Videos created/Edited by Kim Moody


TAGR: Mom's Rising

As I move forward in the filming of this movie/documentary, I will update information and pictures on this page! 

My Intention

Why am I taking part in this film?

Because my intention is to empower other people to create a life of ABUNDANCE using the principles of success, outlined in the book, 'Think and Grow Rich', by Napoleon Hill. It is your birthright to live RICH; rich in health, rich in happiness, rich in relationships, rich in wealth, and rich in any way you want to define your own success!


I want you understand that what you THINK about most is what becomes your life, rather it's positive or negative, right or wrong. I can show you how to create the life you desire, letting go of limiting beliefs, and create a path to purposeful living!

"If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hands!"
-Bob Proctor
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