My long story... short!
I was raised in poverty most of my childhood. For a few years, our family lived in a school bus, with no electricity, no running water, and no beds. Life was difficult. My dad was an ex Hell's Angel. I was raised around drugs, violence, and alcoholism. At different times during my early childhood, our family attended a local Baptist Church. To say my childhood was adventurous is an understatement!
It’s 1981– I’m in junior high school. I wake up to the sound of our neighbor pounding on the door of our home. I’ve been informed that my mom’s vehicle had went over a bluff, she had been ejected into the flooded river, and hadn’t been found. Two days later, the search was called off due to winter weather. It was 18 months later, that a fisherman found her remains several miles downstream. I didn’t realize it then, but this tragedy would be the first of many.
9 years had passed, and I lost my husband, at the age of 22, just after our son was born. 9 years later, my dad died of cancer, and I watched him as he took his last breath. 8 years later, my nephew committed suicide. 8 months later, his mom— my sister, passed way from cancer (2007). 6 years later, my little brother passed away from prescribed medication (accidental). 18 months later (2015) my youngest sister (and best friend) passed away at the age of 43. March 2020, I lost my brother. He was 56.
Tragic life, yes. However, I am not a victim! I have a beautiful life!
I have chosen to focus on the GOOD in my life, what I have, and who is still here. I choose not to focus on hurt, loss, or who I miss. Yes, I remember, yes, I dearly miss my family. But my focus is what I can do NOW to encourage others.
I want to encourage each of you to be the author of your own book of life! You can CHOOSE how you respond to even the most tragic of life events and situations. Meditate and pray. DECIDE who you want to be and let NOTHING stand in the way of your goals and dreams! Don’t let your emotions stop you from living your life with passion and intention!
Degrees & Certifications
Doctoral/Ph.D. in Holistic Medicine*
B.S./M.S. in Holistic Medicine*
A.A. in Psychology
Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies Certificate/ Harvard University
Knowledge Business Certificate/ Tony Robbins
Ordained Whole Medicine & Healing Minister
Certified Spiritual Guide*
Certified Holistic Nutrition Practitioner*
Certified Natural Health Practitioner*
Certified Advanced Belief Clearing Practitioner
Certified Massage Practitioner
Certified Raw Nutrition Educator